Minggu, 28 November 2010

Script Christmas Carol

M=Marley's ghost!
A=Past Fairy
B=Present Fairy
C=Future Fairy

N: Today is 24th of December, it's Christmas Eve. We'll see what happened to Mr. Scrooge
(Mr Scrooge closed the door and sit)

S: Damn, Christmas makes me sick! Baa Hambaag… Charity? What charity? Poor? It's useless… They have to work… not to became a beggar… Christmas is just like the another day… I don't get the point.

N: What's wrong with him???

S: Oh, Marley died 7 years ago this very night… Bah, so I had to run this business by myself until now.

Work, work, and work… You'll achieve yours… Ah, I'm tired!

N: Nah, he's sleeping now, what's that? The Marley's ghost…

M: Ebenezer Scrooge! Ebenezer Scrooge!

S: What happened, who are you, stop!

M: I'm the ghost of Marley, your partner!

S: Ahhh… I don't believe in ghost! I'm dreaming right now!

M: Whatever, you have to change!

S: What?

M:Change! Don't be a selfish like me, or your spirit became a ghost , just like a prisoner, I want to go to the heaven, but I can't. It's not too late to change scrooge!

S: Begone! Marley won't say that stupid thing!

M: Good bye scrooge, I'll send you 3 spirits to help you to change!

S: I don't care.

N: Here comes the sun: the Past Spirit!

A: Wake up scrooge! I'll send you to the past!

N: Scrooge cannot say anything.

A:It's your childhood scrooge! Before you jump in the job world!
You were an ordinary child, with hopes, and enjoy your Christmas party. Stay with me Scrooge. It's you dancing with your friends at the Christmas party. You seems happy! The Christmas tree, the candy cane, the gifts, all make you happy!

S: Shut up! It's just a dream!

A: okay I give up!

N: Here it goes! The Present Spirit!

B: Scrooge! I'll flashback your day!

B: your day is boring! Or actually, you are boring! You met these poor children in the street and they want you to give them some money for charity! But... How dare, you refuse them and yell at them! Shit! You're not a human! You have a lot of money, but gave them nothing! Pity!

S: I said that to get money, you have to work, not to beg like that!

B: Nah, go die!

S: another nightmare! I'm going mad!

N: The last one, it's mine… the future spirit!

C: Scrooge! Damn you…

C: I'll show you the future
C: This is the result of your bad attitude, you'll be hated by the people, your business will be bankrupt, you'll have no worker, you'll rest in unpeace!

S: oh my God! The ghost is right! I have to change!
S:I'll get some money, and give it to the poor! And my workers have to enjoy their holiday… this is the gifts for you

N: Then Mr Scrooge became the Santa Clause
N:The End
All: Thank you!

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Membuat Model Ukiran memakai gypsum


Mulailah gunakan imajinasimu!

Senin, 09 Juni 2008

Mengolah Botol Kaca menjadi Barang Berguna

Pengolahan Sampah
“Menyulap Botol Kaca Menjadi Gelas dan Asbak”

Botol kaca merupakan sampah non-organik yang tidak bisa diuraikan oleh organisme secara menyeluruh. Biasanya orang-orang membuang kaca atau bekas botol kaca di atas tanah ataupun di dalam tanah. Tentu saja kaca ini menjadi polutan dalam tanah. Maka dari itu kelompok kami mempunyai ide untuk mengubah sampah botol kaca bekas ini menjadi suatu benda yang menarik, berguna dan dapat digunakan secara terus menerus misalnya menjadi gelas air minum atau asbak. Caranya dengan memotong botol tersebut sesuai dengan tingginya.
Alat dan Bahan:
1. botol kaca bekas (Fanta, Coca-Cola 1 liter,botol kecap, botol sirup)
2. spiritus
3. tali kenur
4. gergaji besi, amblas untuk menghaluskan kaca
5. lilin (kalu perlu) dan korek
6. air dingin

Cara kerja:
1. rendam tali kenur dalam spiritus
2. ikatkan tali kenur tersebut ke permukaan botol kaca secara melingkar sesuai tinggi yang diinginkan
3. bakar tali tersebut menggunakn korek api
4. setelah api hampir padam, siramkan air dingin ke botol kaca tersebut, kemudian bagian kaca yang dipanaskan tadi akan terbelah
5. hantam bagian kaca tersebut sehingga botolnya terbagi jadi dua
6. haluskan permukaan kaca bekas patahan yang terpakai menggunakan gergaji besi atau amplas
NB: ketika menghaluskan kaca, disarankan agar memakai penutup mata atau kacamata untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Selesai sudah pembuatan gelas dan asbak yang baru. Tinggal menghias sesuka hati dan dipakai sesuai keperluannya.